Sangeetha Rajapandian
Fellow Community Led Action

I am a Social Science Researcher with extensive experience in work with local, grassroots and rural communities. I was part of the household survey 2019 and field research with farming communities in rural Tamil Nadu when working with Foundation for the Agrarian Studies, Bengaluru.
I have worked as a Research Assistant for Ms. Ieva Zumbyte, PhD Scholar - Sociology from Brown University. I was involved in large scale data collection efforts including conducting 200 in-depth interviews and multiple focus group discussions.
Previously as an institutional fellow at Design Beku, I have worked with women farmer producer organisation members in rural Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu; the Gram Panchayat (Village local governance) members in eight GPs of Kundapura Taluk in Karnataka.
As a fellow at Aruvu Collaboratory, I am very much interested to work on Community led research and action which are place-based and explore different methodologies in multi disciplinary action research.